>Gone with the wind.
> Picture from my window. Cloned away some signs, light poles and a car.Proceess from left to right.
Fotografi och grafisk formgivning
> Picture from my window. Cloned away some signs, light poles and a car.Proceess from left to right.
> “A glimps on sunshine in snowy times” Max Havama Went to a beach for some breakfast with Max, señor Hemling and a dog. 33mm @ 1/8000s F.4,5 ISO200 w.
> To Benny.
> Original photos taken by Martin Lineé Öhman. Post-work in PSCS4 by me.
> Walked outside for a smoke and the sky looked like this. 2 mnutes later it’s pitch black.
> 08.30 A.M – Been awake all night.